Marathon Training: Miles & Miles of Gratitude

Saturday marked the peak of my NYC Marathon training: The 20-mile run.

There’s a lot of time to think when you’re running 20 miles, and it’s easy for the mind to dwell on the stuff that makes training hard. This week I made a concerted effort to focus on some of the things that have helped make it easier:

  • Friends: I’ve had so many people offer support and words of encouragement and I appreciate every single one of you. You have no idea how much it helps during the long runs… those Facebook likes go a long way!
  • Family: My sister Dana talked me into this and has no doubt that I’ll be able to pull it off, even when I worry that I’m not putting in enough miles or that I’ll be ridiculously slow. My sister Erika is coming to New York to cheer us on. My husband Tom is doing way more than his share of parenting while I run (and recover). And my two sons, who cheer me on and aren’t grossed out by the callouses and blisters on my feet.
  • Donors: It’s a completely different training experience when you’re doing it for a cause. It may sound cliche, but this is much more than me running a bajillion miles. I feel a sense of responsibility to meet my commitment to Fred’s Team, and to everyone who’s donated on my behalf. As of this weekend, I’ve raised over $2250 in donations from family and friends!
  • Matching gifts: Microsoft, Starbucks and The Gates Foundation will donate an additional $1000 to my efforts. A big thank you to these local companies for recognizing and encouraging employee contributions.
  • Fred’s Team: Being a West coast member of the team means I don’t participate in the group runs, but I appreciate the weekly training tips and the extra support they’ll provide at the event.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who has helped me reach this milestone.

My runs over the next four weeks will taper down in distance, culminating with the marathon on November 4. I can’t wait!

donate to Lisa Dawson

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