We got this!

The 2021 San Diego 3-Day is on.

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Know That You Are Loved

This morning’s training walk was different. The sky was grey, the air was cool, and there weren’t as many people out along Beach Drive and Alki Beach as there had been the past few weekends. Everything felt sort of heavy for some reason. About two miles into my walk, I came across a makeshift memorial […]

2018 3-Day Love Shirts

I’m so pleased with how my 3-Day love shirts have turned out! I wanted to create a visual identity for my seven city experience to keep me motivated and help with fundraising. Imagining a heart-shaped word cloud (I <3 hearts), I started with words that come to mind when I think of the 3-Day. I […]

A bold challenge in 2018!

7 cities. 21 days. 420 miles. That’s right, I’ve committed to raising breast cancer awareness and funding by walking in all seven of the 2018 Komen 3-Day events! The 3-Day and Me My involvement with the Komen organization began in 1997, but my first 3-Day event was in 2009 in Seattle. While the walk itself […]

Anthony Carbajal Puts the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge in Perspective

I’ve been quietly sitting through the debate on the ice bucket challenge because it reminds me too much of the pink ribbon debate and I’m sort of tired of that. But this. This is why awareness of devastating diseases is so important, and this is why I believe something as ridiculous as the ice bucket […]

Sandals Change Lives: Sseko Designs Helps Ugandan Women Go To College

It’s summer time, which means it’s sandal time! I was looking for some cute-yet-functional-and-comfortable sandals for the sunny weather when Linda from Clementine Shoes introduced me to Sseko ribbon sandals. Sseko Designs (pronounced say-ko) was founded by Liz Forkin Bohannon after she took a post-college trip to Uganda. During her time there she met and made […]

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